Breathe on us, O BREATH. At our beginning and our end, you are with us and within. In the beginning…the BREATH of God hovered above the waters…calling creation into being. From the dust of the ground, God formed the human and b-r-e-a-t-h-e-d… I will put my breath in you…and you will live. And it was so. Life is in the breath, the BREATH of God. Breathe on us. The dust returns to the earth that gave it, and the breath returns to God who breathed it. At our beginning and our end, you are with us and within. Breathe Your breath on us, O BREATH.

About the Author
Kathy Culmer, D. Min., is an author, Christian educator, professional storyteller, speaker, teacher, retreat leader, and author of the story series, Moving Forward in Truth: The African American Experience of Episcopalians in the Diocese of Texas.