As the eldest child of an eldest child, I find that obedience has always been at the forefront of my life. Over the years, I have enjoyed its sweet freedom. This word might be fraught for some, but for me, it’s a measure of love, devotion, and commitment. It’s doing something that someone asks of you, not because of obligation but out of love. We are called as Christians to be obedient to God. The command can seem heavy, but in it, there is freedom to be who we are as God’s children. God’s expectations of our lives, our love, and our passions give us boundaries that provide a safe and constant place to be formed, nurtured, and cherished.

About the Author
The Venerable Jeffrey Queen serves as rector of St. Andrew’s, Fort Thomas, Kentucky, and archdeacon of the Ohio Valley of the Diocese of Lexington. He and his wife have two adult children and too many pets.