When my husband and I were first married, we had a puppy named Humphry who ran sideways - bounded really - running with great leaping strides, his too-large ears flapping behind him. Humphry wasn’t the smartest dog, but we never doubted that we were loved, thanks to his buoyant response whenever we called his name. What a gift it would be to abound in love for one another with this kind of energy, this kind of unabashed joy.
Cuando mi esposo y yo nos casamos, teníamos un cachorro llamado Humphry que corría con bastante torpeza: saltaba, corría dando grandes zancadas y sus enormes orejas aleteaban en el viento. Humphry no era un perro muy inteligente, pero nunca dudamos de que nos amaba, pues respondía con alegría cada vez que lo llamábamos por su nombre. ¡Qué regalo sería abundar en amor los unos por los otros con este tipo de energía, este tipo de alegría descarada!
Written by Jerusalem Greer
1 Thessalonians 3:12 And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you.
Selected from the Sunday Lectionary readings during Advent
1 Tesalonicenses 3:12 El Señor los multiplique y los haga abundar en amor unos para con otros y para con todos, tal como nosotros para con ustedes;